New wallets...

...added. Some days ago it was Czecoin (an original Czech coin) and today - SwissCredit.
Primio seems not to be working at all.

Oh no, my wallet is not working!

If you have problem running the wallet, open the terminal, add new repo and upgrade your libraries simply by copy-pasting this (line by line):
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:boost-latest/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libboost1.55-all-dev
Or install it other way you prefer :)
Why and what for? Simple: some newer wallets must use the newer libraries.


Bitcentavo binaries for both 32 and 64 bit added

HKC rebranding

HongKong Coin has been rebranded yesterday. Now it's called HongKeto Coin: The wallet can be found in "Download wallets" section.

New coins added

New coins added! I'm adding coins, that I really like. If you want some specific coin wallet - please email me and donate!

For whom?

Cryptocoins are made by people, for people. Open Source Systems, too!

If you are a full professional OS-user or admin, it's not a website for you.
If you are advanced unix, unix-like, *nix or so called linux user, neither for you...

But the most computer users in the world are not professionals or advanced users. And most of them forget to update the soft, and use a few years old computers. This website is for them.

So if...
you have an older computer with an older system or you have no time to look through millions of libraries and dependencies and because of that you can't compile the wallet yourself, or simply you are a newbie, you need a precompiled binary of your favourite coin wallet. And that's the thing you can get here!
No advanced technical language, but simply - working wallets!